

Staffing Staffing Staffing

Your customers are everything, and once you get them in, you want to keep them. Good customer service is the keyword. But how do you find the right Members for your organisation? The answer is simple: we'll take care of it for you! You do not need to outsource the customer contact to us for this. With Yource, you can also choose Staffing!  

If you choose Staffing, you will have full control over managing customer contact, but we will arrange recruitment and selection and legal employment and everything that comes with it.

We're going for the Truly Match

The Yource Recruitment Team can't wait to get started for your organisation! We would like to know exactly what kind of Members (employees) you are looking for and who is a good fit for the organisation. For this purpose, we will work with you to create a profile. We look at the corporate culture and the skills and abilities that the Members must have. That's what we call the Truly Match.  

Truly match

Found it. Let’s go!

Once we have found the right Members, they will become part of a team within your organisation. They therefore work on location, even if this is hybrid or even entirely from home. Of course, Yource will remain involved with the Members we deploy at your organisation. We think it is important that they develop and feel involved. Because that way we can connect to your organisation for as long as possible.

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