

Menzis Menzis Menzis

How can we most effectively train new members in a time when joint training is no longer an option we can always take for granted? We would like to show how our flexible Learning solutions can help our Partners in a changing employment market.

Yource has built up a great partnership with Menzis since 2017, in which Yource takes care of the customer contact. In order to provide the parties insured by Menzis with the best possible service, it is extremely important that our Members have the right knowledge. And this is only possible if they are trained as well as possible. But how do you realise this in a changing employment market and during a pandemic? This requires new and flexible forms of training, which can always take place immediately with minimal adjustments.


employees trained in 8 weeks
realised a new customer channel with 16 new employees
training groups, with 3 different skills, trained side by side at the same time

Start immediately after your application

In collaboration with Menzis, we have designed a new training and learning pathway. It consists of a combination of offline and online, workplace and team learning. Have the Members been hired after their job interview? The next day, they will be able to coordinate their personal learning path with our Trainers. Our approach makes it possible for the Members to make a customised planning, with the way of training that suits their personal situation.

Members are at the heart of our approach and this offers opportunities. Training on location? Or rather via our digital Learning Experience Platform, the Yource Digital Campus? Part-time or full-time training? Everything is possible! This way we create a situation in which Members can start daily with the type of training they like most.

Digital, personal and flexible training

We have also not lost sight of personal guidance. Would the Members like to follow the training via the Yource Digital Campus? Can We ensure that they can ask questions or receive additional explanations via video chat.

In terms of flexibility, our Learning solution offers several possibilities. For example, it is now possible to offer on-site classroom training and national individual training at the same time.

The Learning solution with results!

Our solution is already delivering great results in practice. In 2021, for example, we created a new customer channel with matching training, all within a period of two weeks! Thanks to the flexible use of the multimedia learning modules, 16 new Members were able to start successfully during the peak period.

Together with Menzis, we will continue to investigate the possibilities of training Members in the most effective ways possible. With new solutions, we are constantly improving the service provided to our Partners and their customers. That's our aim!

Over Menzis


In addition to a health insurer, Menzis is a partner in health. How? By keeping care accessible in the regions it covers and by strengthening people's vitality. What do they do for good care and more vitality? They are committed to providing the right care in the right place. For prevention of lifestyle and debts. And for good care during coronavirus.  

The right care, in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. That's what Menzis is all about. And not only are they dedicated to the cause, they also have an opinion about it. 

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