
Tech Solutions

Tech Solutions Tech Solutions Tech Solutions

Would your company exist without technology? Is this really our aim? But without people, it's probably gonna be a tough story too. In the area of customer contact, we believe primarily in the combination of technology and human contact. In fact, that's what we specialise in!  

Your customers have only one goal and that is to be helped quickly and effectively. Sometimes a technological solution is the best way to do that. Think, for example, of a chat or voice bot or artificial intelligence. But sometimes a customer just wants someone on the phone. Full-stop. We bring Human & Tech together and ensure the perfect balance that suits your company. That's what we call real customer service! 


Imagine…that there would be a digital assistant who is not only super smart, but also provides an extra pair of digital hands and a bit of coaching. To good to be true? Absolutely not! Because we developed her and her name is YAVA! 



Yava is a super smart, digital assistant for our Yource Members.



Have you ever thought about a chatbot? This allows you to optimally support your customer service. This assistant handles the contact with the customer completely digitally. And does the customer still want personal contact? The chatbot then collects all the important information so that a Member can help quickly and professionally. 



Discover the possibilities of Robotics! This virtual colleague takes over monotonous and administrative tasks, works completely independently and delivers consistent quality. Robotics ensures that your business results are better and you gain time with it, so that you can put the real Members to full use. 


Speech Analytics

Voice recognition takes your customer service to the next level. Speech recognition converts spoken words into written text. This creates new insights that work to your advantage. By making good use of these insights with the help of targeted coaching, we ensure a customer experience that you tell you about!  



Our members know a lot, but not everything. And that's why the DialogManager is so handy! This knowledge base leads Members step by step to the right answer to the customer question. The dialog Manager is tailored to your organisation and kept up to date with current content. Customer happy, Member happy and you happy! 



Why make things hard for yourself when you can make them easy? Some customer questions are common and easy to answer. Why would you use an expensive resource for that? It's a waste of their time and certainly of your money! A Voicebot is the perfect solution for this. The customer answers the question and immediately receives the correct answer via voice or SMS. Handy  

We have implemented YAVA in different systems that we use and with that we can offer truly next-level customer service! Want to know more about what Yava can do for your organisation? Please contact us.

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Are you looking for an answer that is truly helpful to you? Look no further. We even have the answers to questions you haven't yet considered.

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